Congratulations to Wendy Cheng for winning the Championship of SQ27 Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest with her song "If We Could". The Best Performance Award goes to "Snow Giant", written by Kelton Lam. "Dialogue", written by Muso Lam, won the online G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award.
「SQ27 加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽」經已完滿舉行,得獎名單如下:
冠軍歌曲: 《也許我們》(溫哥華) | 作曲 / 填詞 / 主唱: 鄭力婷
最佳演繹獎 : 《雪地巨人》(卡加利) | 作曲 / 填詞 / 主唱: 林俊傑
加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲: 《對白》(溫哥華) | 作曲 / 填詞 / 主唱: 林韋鋒
Tickets sold out. 門票全部售罄。
27th Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest (SQ27) is open to all song-writers who live in British Columbia or Alberta, Canada. 5 entry music pieces will be judged by a panel of music industry professionals in the SQ27 finale, which will be held on August 11, 2023. Hong Kong award-winning singer song-writer Jay Fung will be the special performer of SQ27, and Jay will bring you a jaw-dropping 45 minutes music performance.
Meanwhile, you are welcome to join the "G-Way Health Centre People's Choice" online voting. All people who participate in the online voting will get a chance to win $500 cash prize and a deluxe gift bag.
「SQ27 加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽」正式進入倒數階段,成功打入 SQ27 決賽的 5 強作品,包括來自溫哥華的《能不能》、《一路好走》、《對白》、《也許我們》和來自卡加利的《雪地巨人》。 8 月 11 日隆重舉行的決賽中,參賽者將會一較高下,競逐冠軍歌曲和最佳演繹大獎殊榮。香港人氣唱作王子馮允謙將會擔任 SQ27 的特別表演嘉賓,並且一氣呵成為大家帶來 45 分鐘的精彩演出。
歡迎大家投選「SQ27 加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲」,所有參與票選的網民,將有機會贏得由加拿大中文電台送出的$500 現金獎,以及由加拿大芝寶靈芝送出的 $100 靈芝產品。
To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Fairchild Radio, the 27th Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest (SQ27) is coming back as a live theatre show, featuring an award-winning singer as the finale performer to entertain fans with live music at Michael J. Fox Theatre. SQ27 welcomes all Canadian citizens, permanent residents or immigrants residing in British Columbia or Alberta to enter. Final songs will have the opportunity to be recruited by Media Asia Music and winners will win fabulous prizes.
為慶祝加拿大中文電台啟播 30 週年,第 27 屆加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽 (SQ27)除了實體回歸外,更會邀請重量級歌手擔任決賽夜的表演嘉賓,用音樂與歌迷和參賽者玩轉 Michael J. Fox Theatre。 SQ27 歡迎居住於卑詩省或亞伯達省的加拿大公民、永久居民或已抵埠移民報名參加,入圍歌曲有機會獲寰亞音樂採用,得獎者更會贏得豐富獎金。
August 11, 2023 @ Michael J. Fox Theatre
$55 & $65 (連稅, 只收現金 Tax incl., cash only)
Vancouver 溫哥華
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1470 & FM961: 604-295-1234
Calgary 卡加利
Email 電郵:
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 FM94.7: 403-717-1940